Tuesday, February 28, 2006

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

SkyTrain Rapid Transit

by Leonardo.

by Leonardo.

Monday, February 27, 2006


Donatello, April O'Neil, Casey Jones and Splinter.

Hamato Yoshi

Federation of D'Hoonib

Splinter, Casey Jones and Donatello

Donatello, Splinter and Casey Jones

Triceraton Republic

Donatello and Splinter

D'hoonib in the Sidayon

Federation of D'Hoonib

The Utroms

Tokka and Rahzar

Krang and Hamato Yoshi


Casey Jones

Baxter Stockman

Splinter and the Purple Dragons (J Rock)

Hamato Yoshi

Casey Jones

Professor Honeycutt

The Foot Clan

Splinter and Donatello

Splinter and Shredder



Bebop and Rocksteady

The apples of the valley hold,
The seas of happiness, ....

Take me down to the water
Take me back to the source

... ivy

Terry Fox

Saturday, February 25, 2006


... if you see this guy don't lend him your bike! lock it up you'll never see it again!


Downtown at night

Like a water-washed diamond
In a river of sin

Goin' down like a whirlpool
When you get sucked in

There's a mirror ball twirlin'
And a note from Page

Jimi's playin' in the back room
Led Zeppelin on stage

Hold on to your baby
When you slip into the sky

Let's go downtown