Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Cat Walk


Metallyptica said...

Quiet a fat cat! In fact... I guess I better say "Mr Cat" since he looks like a respectable cat! :)

KMJ said...

A stealthy hunter among shadows and leaves... Very respectable, and FEARSOME!!! hehe

Milan said...

Yups, I was gonna say the same as Metallyptica, what a little fat cat! He seems proud. Metallyptica, are our cats in Portugal this fat? Maybe it's the varieties we choose, they dont seem to be so fat and hairy! :)))

Metallyptica said...

Milan, a friend of mine has a cat that is harier than B&B's one... his name's Dweie (I'm not quiet sure how it's spelled) and has so so much hair!! :) I usually tease my friend telling her that her cat wet must be so much thinner! :)